Turmeric Face Pack and benefit
Turmeric Face Pack |
The raw turmeric has been used to protect the brightness of the skin from the earliest times and reduce the skin's skin. So yellow is used as a component of different creams. To protect the skin from various skin stains, rink and sun tens, raw green paste can be made in the home of the home and made to face. The antioxidant properties of yellow-colored carcumin protect you from age-strain.
Turmerics face packs for skin -
1. Face pack made from turmeric and milk -
Content -One spoon turmeric powder, One teaspoon milk.
First, mix one spoon turmeric and one spoon milk together.
After mixing the mixture well, now take this pack on your fingertips and put it on your face.
After putting it, leave it like this for overnight.
Then in the morning wash the skin with a little bit of gram flour and water so that the yellow spots on the skin are cleaned.
This will enhance your skin and the color will become fair.
Turmeric Face Pack |
2. Face pack made from honey and turmeric -
Content -1. Two tablespoon honey (Read more - Benefits and disadvantages of honey)
2. A quarter turmeric.
3. Three to five drops of lemon juice.
Laws -
1. First, mix two teaspoons of honey and turmeric in a bowl.
2. Now add lemon juice to it.
3. After mixing the mixture well, place it on your face and neck.
4Allow it to dry for half an hour and then wash the skin with water.
These face packs will not only make your skin white, but also remove stains that are caused by tan and nail mouth.
Benefits Of Turmeric
Turmeric Face Pack |
To bring back the lost glow of face, mix turmeric with gram flour and yogurt and apply it on the face.
Turmeric is used extensively to remove stains, spots and violets. To remove stains and jhands on face, grind turmeric and black sesame seeds in equal proportions and make a paste and put them on the face.
Mix turmeric with milk and apply it on the face by making a paste and cleansing the color of the skin. The face is also feeding.
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